Thursday, May 14, 2015

Don't Tease a Crow

Fig is no push over. We were at the park, and several elementary school kids were present; a first grader, a couple of second and third graders, and a fifth grade boy. It seems to be a human quality that out numbered elders will revert to a younger age like a boss trying to tell a funny joke, or use cool slang in front of employees. Well, this fifth grader was on his most immature behavior showing off. He put up both his hands,  made a long, goofy face, and some ape noises right in poor Figgy's face to evoke a reaction. Far from showing any fear though, she leaned forward, gave a good tail pump, and issued a belting caw, with a good dose of growl thrown in. Knock it off! That kid just about fell over backwards. He wasn't expecting to get adminished by a bird.

Fig knows what kids are, what teasing and aggression are, and she's no door mat. I was impressed that she was in fact rather judiciously generous with her restraint. She can roar like a Lion if she really feels the need to be defensive. She would never peck anyone aggressively unless grabbed, and even then she'd opt to flee first. Humans exhibit some truly perplexing behavior sometimes.  I have absolute confidence in Fig. She's never showed the slightest aggression towards anyone. This was an appropriate and measured reaction to provocation. 

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