Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Cancel the Idaho Raven Cull

It came to my attention recently that Idaho's Department of Fish and Game is planning a Raven cull in 2015 of some 4,000 birds by "corvidocide" laced eggs. That's some pretty clever poison namin'! This is something I plan to dedicate some attention to. Obviously, I am opposed to such activity, but the article, or articles I plan to write will be written from a neutral position. Best to let facts speak for themselves.

For a State with the motto, "Let it be forever." it is confusing to say the least that Idaho would take this action against a specific, native species present in their eco-system. They are not supposed to view our wildlife as a force for evil. They are supposed to be good stewards of the land and all her wildlife; protect, preserve, perpetuate...those are their three P's folks! I got 'em right off their website.

Even more confusing is the fact that they are supposedly planning these culls in order to boost Sage Grouse numbers which have been in decline, prompting the listing of the Grouse on the threatened species list. This is confusing because, unbelievably, Fish and Game are still issuing hunting licenses for Grouse! It has not occurred to anyone in Idaho's Department of Fish and Game apparently that this makes them look rather disingenuous, and buffoonish as far as saving Grouse is concerned. Again, it is obvious that the Ravens are viewed by Fish and Game as a threatening competitor, and a pest rather than a natural asset in their environment which needs to be protected, preserved, and perpetuated along with all the other species, equally, by balancing them properly within the natural fauna. Viewing corvids as a competitor, and a force of evil in the eco-system is not the proper perspective for the State Department of Fish and Game leadership to have!

Incredibly, Idaho Fish and Game are calling the cull "an experiment" (following the lead of Japanese whalers one supposes) while scientists, experts, and even the dedicated Sage Grouse ornithologists themselves are opposed to their plan, and dismiss any claims to scientific ambitions, or effectiveness to the benefit of conservation.  Non-sensibly, Fish and Game is collecting their own data on the results of their so-called experiment when they are hardly able to be impartial, or unbiased, which means we can expect, or rather Ravens and Crows can expect year after year of unjustified, and unwarranted poisonings, and war, and shootings from these government officials run amuck once they conclude that their experiment in mass murder was a terrific success for the much yummier Sage Grouse.

So, something is seriously rotten in Idaho in a way that makes me think of those movies where someone's car breaks down in some back country town, then they slowly discover that the whole town is inhabited by creepy, incestuous, polygamous, nose-picking, cannibal zombies or something. I mean, this is the State Department of Fish and Game that is unleashing a war on a specific species which they are supposed to deeply respect, and help maintain a natural balance in the eco-system, and instead they are thinking they would sure like to have more Grouse to shoot, and Grouse hunting license revenue for their State government. It is a bad case of inbred, good ol' boy government in bed with their hillbilly, hunter brother; it is absolute corruption, and malfeasance.

Something is clearly, and obviously wrong when the hunters themselves are running their own regulatory agency. This is not the way things are supposed to be in the modern, civilized, governed and organized world of checks and balances.

So, Idaho Fish and Game is a few seashells short of a seashore, and eggshells too, but luckily, we have a year to try and explain things to them, and set their little potato salad heads straight. The mere idea of killing 4,000 Ravens, or 4,000 wild animals of any sort, without clear, and severe justification, and without the support of anyone knowledgeable, scientific, or authoritative by poisoning or any other means is just gross, unconscionable, dastardly, degenerate, brainless, heartless, reckless, mean, Cruelty and it sickens me, and any other normal person to imagine it, but what sickens me a trillion fold is my fellow human beings who concoct these vial ideas, then actually carry them out without any concept of what is right or wrong, or simply kind or nice inside their dull and dense little pea-brained heads.

We have a duty to our wildlife to find out WHO is running the circus in Idaho, have them tarred, feathered, and fired, post haste. We will prevail against the common Ignoramus. We must.

As for the lowly Sage Grouse, the $100,000 Fish and Game was planning to gamble on their sick and twisted full-of-craps table will rightly to go to proven, effective conservation efforts on their cute little feathery behalfs, this year, not next. Those funds will be taken out of Fish and Game's salaries as necessary, and the lovely folks at the Federal Department of Agriculture's Wildlife "Services" who are giving the okay to the poisoning will unselfishly match the funds from their pay checks.

As for hunting licenses for Sage Grouse, those will be cancelled indefinitely too. Instead, we will bill every single Idahoan who has purchased a Sage Grouse hunting license in the last ten years $100 retroactively to go towards Sage Grouse conservation, and habitat reclaimation, or rehabilitation until the poor little pheasants proudly reclaim their roost in the screwed up Idaho eco-system that each and every Idahoan human being is ultimately responsible for.

Finally, we will Let the Ravens be, forever!

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