A couple little things I don't want to forget...
Flossing with Fig is a challenge. She is after that floss like nobody's business, tugging away. I am sure to get cavities.
Fig will now stay on my shoulder if I sit on the floor with the cat in the room. Previously, that was a no can do. She only just has accepted sitting with me on a chair when the cat is out and about. She really places a lot of trust in me now, and she "hears" me well when I offer assurances. Not, however, spending much time out when kitty is about as prolonged tension is not good for Fig, and Lucky is insanely jealous of the birdie. Incrementally bringing these two together though. They already have shared play time, but not on Lucky's turf.
When we are at the mirror in mating season Fig loves to "fight" with her reflection. She loves this. She really wants mirror time. Sometimes when we're at the mirror she'll bite my finger or prod my face to say, You have a go! Defense!!!! Defense!!!! Then she invites her reflection to a friendly chat, fickle bird.
Also, when I talk to Fig in the mirror, she gives me direct eye contact, in the mirror. Previously, she'd look at my real face. Generally, eye contact is something that has been there all along since the very beginning, but recently it is intense, pronounced, prolonged, and often suspended, and now it is so in the mirror too. Fig can gaze very deeply and intently into my eyes curiously, attentively, and affectionately, and usually it is abundantly clear which is which.
The other day in the shower, Fig came down so I could wash her face while perched on my knee, as usual. But, she spotted a bit of food in her bowl which I had forgotten to remove. I took it away mid-nibble thinking I may have splashed some shampoo in it. Fig didn't growl angrily as I expected her to do. Instead, she stared at where the bowl no longer was, hoped around to face me, jumped back on my knee, then, looking right into my eyes intently, cawed a loud growl. Then she turned, poked her face upward, and closed her eyes, "You may wash my face now." This was a clear example of talking in the past tense, then switching to future tense. Fun stuff.
Fig has been tearing up her favorite perch cover. I placed soft thick neoprene under the other perch cover to give her a bit of a trampoline bounce effect. Well, she decided she wanted an upgrade on both perches. Never ending upkeep! (Update: neoprene added beneath second perch cover...Fig is very happy with the three dollar upgrade, and has ceased tearing off the cover even though it has a few holes which beg to be enlarged. One simply must listen when a bird is "saying" something via lashing out. It means they're irritated, and displeased.)
Fig continues to expand and cultivate her musical tastes. She enjoys music a lot. There should be some interesting posts on this topic coming up. Man I wish I had an iPhone that Fig could actually use to choose songs, and play games. Going to look into this.
Fig continues to expand and cultivate her musical tastes. She enjoys music a lot. There should be some interesting posts on this topic coming up. Man I wish I had an iPhone that Fig could actually use to choose songs, and play games. Going to look into this.
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