Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Mealworm Farm Update (twice)

Update 1 on mealworm farm:

I managed to get only 10 mealworm beetles. Every two weeks I put them in a new tub of food to lay eggs. So sign of any baby worms. Anticipation! I want to start the experiment in 5 weeks. Not confident I'll have any reward food though. Oh dear.

Update 2 on mealworm farm:

Oooh! I am a Daddy! Baby worms gallore in the first small cup of flour and grain. Must be hundreds!
Where would the world be without procreation? Baby mealworms are insanely tiny and cute. Barely can even see them. And they are really fast compared to the regular big ones. They wriggle in and out of sight in a couple of instants. There have to be hundreds in this single cup of grain and flour. My wife was even impressed! Then she reminded me that my plan was to murder all of them. Great. I don't think feeding mealworms to a bird counts as murder. My son was so excited that he quickly asked me for some beetles so he could start his own farm. He wants to be a daddy too. I gave him all ten beetles in a new cup of flour. Will make a scientist out of him yet!

Update 3 on mealworm farm:
I gave the worms rolled barley. It appeared to me that many of them died, so I switched them to rice bran which is more nutritious anyway. They are doing fine. Slow growing buggers. Have not had any to feed Fig for a whole week now, but she's getting roast pork, and grasshoppers instead. Grasshopper season is a boon for Fig. There are two main types in Japan. I don't like to give her two many though as I don't enjoy cooking them. I don't enjoy watching her tear them limb from limb. And I really don't enjoy the balls of legs, wings, and exoskeletons Fig coughs up. Mealworms are more nutritious, not infected with internal parasites, and fully digested, apparently, as Fig doesn't cough up balls of worm leather.  

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