It is interesting that, at home, Fig very vocally, and capably communicates her every specific need, be that food, water, a bath, or attention. And she serenades, and declares her love and thanks no end. She'll speak English. She'll use "words" and sounds she learned in matching training. She'll gurgle, and mutter, and make things up for fun.
But outside, things are another story completely. Out and about she pretty much limits her vocal communication with me to Ahh! Straight intonation, without any pitching up or down, just Ahh! If she said this to an unknown Crow, the pitch would go up rather sharply, and recently, she doesn't talk to Crows she sees flying overhead, only to me. It is something she says to me at home too, but I have not yet defined its clear meaning in my mind. I just can't quite get it to gel. Sometimes it seems like a loving Ahh! Other times it seems like annoyance at my being overly present, or controlling. Perhaps, if I average out those two things, it means "partner". Sometimes, I get the sense that Fig is letting other Crows know that she is not alone, that her male partner is with her, so watch out. Perhaps that is what it means. Perhaps that is why she has not been attacked this spring nesting season when we've been out. I just don't know. She says it direct to my face, and there is no aggression, though she could easily peck out my eye if she wanted to. Hmm. It's frustrating. Maybe there simply is no human equivalent.
But outside, things are another story completely. Out and about she pretty much limits her vocal communication with me to Ahh! Straight intonation, without any pitching up or down, just Ahh! If she said this to an unknown Crow, the pitch would go up rather sharply, and recently, she doesn't talk to Crows she sees flying overhead, only to me. It is something she says to me at home too, but I have not yet defined its clear meaning in my mind. I just can't quite get it to gel. Sometimes it seems like a loving Ahh! Other times it seems like annoyance at my being overly present, or controlling. Perhaps, if I average out those two things, it means "partner". Sometimes, I get the sense that Fig is letting other Crows know that she is not alone, that her male partner is with her, so watch out. Perhaps that is what it means. Perhaps that is why she has not been attacked this spring nesting season when we've been out. I just don't know. She says it direct to my face, and there is no aggression, though she could easily peck out my eye if she wanted to. Hmm. It's frustrating. Maybe there simply is no human equivalent.
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